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23/05/2011 u mostu Aziz Aga


Naše cesta po Řecku se pomalu krátí a tak se chci pokusit o malou rekapitulaci.
Něco už jste si přečetli, něco možná domysleli. Já sama jsem zažila několik velkých okamžiků. Seděla jsem několikrát na nějakém kameni (kterých je tady všude dost a dost) a přemýšlela, jak asi žili lidé, kteří je otesávali, kteří je stavěli, žili v domech z nich postavených. Je mi přitom hrozně smutno, že po mnoha dalších staletích se o tyto kameny již nikdo nestará a místo zachovalého města najdete hromadu balvanů, které možná někdy někam patřily.
Protože jsme nejprve zajeli do Benátek, musím začít tam. Bylo to chvilkami úděsné, ale když se nám podařilo oprostit se od lidí, kterých byly všude stovky, tak jsme viděli i zvláštnosti tohoto města. Usoudili jsme ale, že zase až za deset let. Byli jsme tu totiž naposled v roce 2001. Památky zůstanou, lidí bude možná ještě víc, my budeme zase o něco starší a budeme vše možná pozorovat s větším nadhledem.
Naše první dojmy po vylodění v Řecku byly dost hrozné. Všude samý nepořádek, odpad naházený všude na každém volném místě. Něco jako u nás před zavedením regulovaných skládek. Nejhorší je to kolem velkých měst. Na venkově, kde se velmi rádi pohybujeme, je to lepší.
Olympia. To je něco naprosto neuvěřitelného pro někoho, kdo ještě v Řecku nikdy nebyl. Zase, pro mne velmi zvláštní pocit. Chodili jsme mezi „domy, paláci, chrámy, stadionem“ a přemýšleli o lidech, kteří zde žili. Vlastně o mužích, protože sportovních her v Olympii se ženy nesměly zúčastnit.
Methoni a Koroni – dvě benátské pevnosti, neuvěřitelně veliké, rozbořené, chodili jsme kolem lidí, kteří bydlí v domečcích přilepených na staré zdi těchto pevností a berou to jako samozřejmost. Ano, vůbec se jim nedivím. U nás je to přece také tak. Život jde stále dál a i staré kameny se zase znovu použijí. Jenom někdy trochu špatně a většinou se potom ztratí a při opravách památek jsou nedohledatelné. V kolika domech v různých zemích je zazděno mnoho různých kamenů, které jsou opracované před několika tisíci lety.
Když jsme vjeli do hor, našli jsme mnoho krásných míst, kde by se nám líbilo jako na letním bytě. V každé vesnici je malý udržovaný kostelík, kolem něho lavičky, je vidět, že se tam lidé scházejí a pobývají spolu. To u nás bohužel není. Nějak se nechceme družit.
Hory jsou krásné, některé velmi vysoké, roste v nich mnoho pro nás zvláštních stromů, také kytek, jako např. bramboříky, spousta bylinek, stromů, které ani neznáme. Jak už Ondřej psal, zašli jsme jednu neděli ráno do malinkého kláštera. Mše už byla zřejmě pryč, bylo tam asi pět lidí, kteří uklízeli a popíjeli kávu. Hned nás pozvali ke stolu, dostali jsme kávu frapé, kterou jsme si okamžitě zamilovali a hovořili jsme. Byli velmi milí, jenom ten jazyk je problém. Čeština a řečtina jsou tak odlišné, že se nedá najít vlastně nic podobného. A starší lidé anglicky neumějí.
Přístav Gythio. Toto městečko nás nadchlo už večer, když jsme jím projížděli. Ráno jsme se tam vrátili, došli na skvělý oběd. To byly ty smažené chobotničky, kalamáry a rybičky.
O Epidauros psal velmi podrobně Ondřej.
V neděli jsme navštívili dvě místa, protože nějak nestíháme, plán neplníme a čas se krátí.
Delfy. Kultické město, kde v Apollonově chrámu věštila Pýthie. Seděla na trojnožce nad puklinou v zemi a v transu odpovídala na otázky. Z města jsou opět jenom trosky, kameny pracně posbírané, očíslované, ale opět je jich hromada ztracena. Toto místo pro nás mělo jeden velký zápor – bylo tam moc lidí. Vyhnout se turistickým autobusům je velmi těžké. Muzea a vykopávky, které jsou chráněné nějakým polotem, mají otevírací dobu skutečně velmi omezenou. Nějak se tady nechce nikomu pracovat. Ve 3 hodiny zavřou a nikoho nic nezajímá. Nedovedu si představit, že by se to stalo u nás. A to je tady teplo, dlouho vidět, lidé by klidně chodili ještě po šesté.
Thermopyly. Ty jsme stihly snadno, pomník stojí volně u silnice. Pro nás oba velký zážitek. Najednou jsme stáli na místě, o kterém jsme se podrobně učili na základní škole v dějepise. 1 000 mužů spartských a řeckých a proti nim 1 000 000 mužů perských. Pamatujete ještě? „Poutníče postůj a zvěstuj Lakedaimónským, že my zde ležíme, jak zákon kázal nám.“ Vylezli jsme na malý kopeček, na kterém zbytek sparťanů zemřel a kde leží kámen s tímto nápisem v řečtině. Kdysi to pro nás byla pohádka vyprávěná ve škole, o které jsme si nedovedli nic představit a najednou tady stojíme, vidíme kopeček, moře, vysoké kopce, řeku…
Jeden příjemný pocit z tohoto místa je ale důležitý. Thermopyly, znamená brána. Je tam teplý syrný pramen, ve kterém se dá koupat. Leží tam naložených mnoho lidí, čvachtají se a nikomu se nechce vylézat. Dopadli jsme úplně stejně. Voda je horká, smrdí a je strašně příjemná. Jen je důležité na tom dost dlouhém potoce najít místečko, kde zrovna nikdo není. To uvidíte na fotkách.
Pondělí - Metéora – vznášející se skála. To jsou vysoké skály, na kterých stojí několik klášterů. Dnes jsme jich několik prošli a moc se nám líbily. Jenom těch turistů, kdyby tolik nebylo. Jak tam asi kdysi ti mniši vylezli a dokonce dokázali postavit budovy a žít tam. Dneska jim kazí klid turisté a velké město v nížině pod nimi. Je tam celou noc velký hluk a to k rozjímání asi nepřispívá.
Konec. Napsala jsem slohové cvičení, děkuji každému, kdo vydržel do konce. Jestli se ještě ozveme nevíme, budeme rádi když zítra najdeme internet, abychom toto mohli poslat.
Tak ahoj všem a uvidíme se doma.
Od řeky Víkos a mostu pro muly Azíz Aga v pondělí 23.5.2011


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Что такое сертификат ИСО 9001 и как получить

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Сертификат соответствия ИСО 9001 – документ, который выдается по результатам экспертной проверки и подтверждает, что система менеджмента качества (СМК) организации соответствует международному стандарту ISO 9001 «Системы менеджмента качества. Требования» либо его национальному аналогу ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001 и своевременно совершенствуется https://vc.ru/u/3200429-marev/1137556-sertifikat-iso-9001-chto-eto-takoe-i-dlya-chego-oformlyayut

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(DavidExede, 24. 7. 2024 20:09)

Guide regarding Imitation Purses
Fashion enthusiasts understand such adornments can create and destroy an ensemble. Within them, bags possess a unique place. Those depict style, status, and elegance. Yet, no all can purchase the expense mark which arrives alongside fashion brands. That is how copy purses come inside play. Those give a way to enjoy that appeal in luxury style excluding destroying this bank. Still that forms replica bags highly appealing?
In the complete post, we will investigate this intricacies of that replica purse field. From understanding the attraction for finding premium replicas including diving into future patterns, this post is going to function like the definitive manual regarding imitation bags. Whether you are new in that universe in replicas and the veteran aficionado, there’s everything present to everyone.

Grasping this Appeal of Copy Handbags
Imitation purses are more beyond simply imitations. Those give a taste in elegance at a portion of that price. That makes them highly attractive regarding style aficionados that want to stay updated beside this newest fashions without paying an fortune. But there is larger regarding that past only affordability.
To many, having a high-quality replica acts the way regarding express one’s passion regarding fashion. This lets them to play with diverse fashions alongside designers without doing a long-term monetary obligation. Plus, beside the rising quality regarding replicas, it's becoming tougher regarding differentiate them between this original product.
An additional key factor appears availability. High-end handbags regularly possess restricted accessibility,
Fashionable Luxury Replica Purses
Certain luxury labels are highly sought-after within the copy market compared to others. Here are a few of most highly in-demand luxury imitation handbags:
Louis' Vuitton's

Known for their signature monogram plus classic creations, Louis Vuitton purses tend to be an popular by imitation fans. High-quality copies for well-known styles like Neverfull, Alma, and Alma remain commonly found.
The Chanel's timeless quilted handbags with its entwined C-C symbol remain synonymous to luxury. Replica versions of the 2.55 fold bag including a Boy purse are very coveted.
The Gucci's one-of-a-kind creations plus vivid prints allow its handbags to be out. Copies of the G-G Marmont including Dionysus's bags tend to be particularly sought-after by style enthusiasts.

Places for Find High-Quality Imitations
Discovering premium replica bags needs some research. Here is a few alternatives for explore:
Internet Stores
Portals such as DHgate and Ali Express provide a extensive variety for replica bags. Search for sellers with great feedback plus good feedback. Also, join internet forums and forums users discuss their reviews along with suggestions.
Dedicated Vendors
Certain stores specialize on premium replicas. Websites like Triple A Handbag and Designer’s Secret remain renowned because of their attention to craftsmanship plus detail quality. Those retailers often offer an curated collection of favored styles.
Regional Stores
Across particular regions, nearby bazaars have high-quality copies. While this demands more effort for you to discover trustworthy dealers, it might be a valuable experience. Search for bazaars across stylish urban centers like Bangkok’s, Istanbul, along with Hong Kong.

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Transunion Says I’m Deceased

(Arthurhurdy, 17. 7. 2024 3:27)

Mistakenly Identified as Deceased by TransUnion: An Increasing Concern

Inaccuracies in credit reporting can have very detrimental consequences. One of the most alarming mistakes people may experience is having their credit bureaus, such as **TransUnion**, mistakenly report them as dead. This grave mistake can have a substantial detrimental impact on everything from job prospects to credit applications. It is crucial in such situations to know how to dispute a background check and to navigate the challenges of credit report disputes.

### Understanding the Problem

Envision discovering you are mistakenly listed as deceased on your credit record. This is not an rare issue, however. Persons in this position must respond swiftly to rectify it. One important first step can be to contact a background check lawyer or a deceased on credit report lawyer. Experts in background check errors, these professionals can provide the assistance you need to amend your credit report.

How to Contest a Background Check

Understanding how to dispute a background check becomes essential when confronted with such a serious mistake. Get in touch with the credit bureau that made the error first. You must verify your ID and prove you are still not deceased. Using marked as deceased on credit report lawyers can expedite this sometimes challenging process. These professionals can guarantee your case is handled properly and lead you through the complexities of a background check dispute.

The Role of Attorneys in Resolving Credit Report Errors

Particularly valuable is working with my credit report says I'm deceased lawyers. These legal professionals focus in identifying and fixing serious mistakes on credit reports. They can represent you in negotiations with credit bureaus and other concerned parties to guarantee your issue is addressed and fixed promptly. Taking into account their background in background check disputes, they are knowledgeable with the legal avenues available to correct such errors and can give strong counsel if needed.

Preventing Future Errors

Once the error is resolved, steps must be taken to prevent it from reoccurring. Routinely inspecting for errors in your credit report can help spot problems early on. Active credit monitoring and knowing how to dispute a background check can help safeguard against potential mistakes. Should errors arise, moving swiftly to **dispute a background check** can reduce the consequence of these errors on your personal and economic life.

In conclusion, it can be upsetting when TransUnion reports you as deceased. However, with the right approach and support from knowledgeable professionals like a background check lawyer, people can handle the procedure of challenging these errors and regaining their creditworthiness.

Learn more: https://bucceri-pincus.com/emily-islada-cus/

Know Your Credit Score

(Robertskern, 15. 7. 2024 14:40)

The first step in navigating rental applications with a less-than-perfect credit score is to know where you stand. Request a copy of your credit report and check for mistakes or inaccuracies that might be dragging down your score. TransUnion reports that the average credit score in the US is 675, with good scores ranging from 700 to 749. When asking what credit score do you need to rent a house, the general requirement is about 650.

Provide Proof of Income
One way to offset a less-than-perfect credit score is to provide proof of a steady income. Landlords want to ensure that you have the means to pay rent on time each month. Be prepared to provide pay stubs, bank statements, or a letter from your employer that verifies your income. The National Multifamily Housing Council states that the average income of US renters is $38,078.

Propose a Higher Security Deposit
Another way to increase your chances of being approved for a rental property with a less-than-perfect credit score is to offer to pay a larger security deposit. A higher deposit shows landlords you’re serious about renting and willing to bear more financial responsibility. A study by RentCafe finds that the average security deposit in America is $1,200.

Submit Rental References
Strong rental references can offset the effects of a poor credit score. Give contact details of former landlords who can attest to your reliability as a tenant. A survey by ApartmentGuide shows that 65% of landlords consider rental references crucial in tenant selection.

Explore the Option of a Co-Signer
With a poor credit score, consider having a co-signer on your rental application. A co-signer agrees to assume the financial responsibility for your rent if you cannot pay. This gives landlords extra assurance that rent will be paid on time every month. According to a study by Zumper, 41% of landlords would consider renting to someone with a co-signer if their credit score was less than ideal.

Practice Honesty and Transparency
Honesty and transparency with landlords are vital when you have a poor credit score and are navigating rental applications. Clarify any financial troubles that caused your credit score to drop and ensure landlords of your stable financial status now. A RentCafe survey reveals that 88% of landlords value honesty as the top trait in prospective tenants.

The Role of Credit Scores in Rental Applications
Assessing a person's financial responsibility and timely rent payment capability heavily relies on their credit scores. As a law blogger for a lawyer services company, understanding credit scores' importance in rental applications and their impact on securing rentals is crucial. Questions such as does rent reporting help credit score, does late rent affect credit score, and does unpaid rent affect credit score are common concerns for renters.

Understanding What a Credit Score Is
Numerically representing an individual's creditworthiness, a credit score is based on their credit history and financial habits. These scores usually range from 300 to 850, with higher scores signifying lower credit risk and superior financial habits. Landlords assess potential tenants' likelihood of timely rent payments and responsible financial management using credit scores.

Understanding the Minimum Credit Score to Rent a Car
Understanding what is the minimum credit score to rent a car is important for a hassle-free experience. Typically, the minimum credit score to rent a car from Budget and other major companies is around 650, though it can vary. Knowing the necessary credit score to rent a car helps avoid issues at the rental counter.

Learn more: https://attorneygolden1.com/credit-score-myths-debunked/credit-scores-and-their-impact-on-your-ability-to-rent/

Transunion Says I’m Deceased

(Arthurhurdy, 15. 7. 2024 4:28)

Mistakenly Identified as Deceased by TransUnion: An Increasing Concern

Errors in credit reporting can have very harmful consequences. One of the most frightening mistakes people may encounter is having their credit bureaus, such as **TransUnion**, mistakenly report them as dead. This significant error can have a major detrimental impact on everything from job prospects to credit applications. It is essential in such circumstances to know how to dispute a background check and to navigate the complications of credit report disputes.

### Understanding the Problem

Imagine discovering you are erroneously listed as deceased on your credit record. This is not an unusual issue, however. Persons in this case must respond swiftly to correct it. One key first step can be to contact a background check lawyer or a deceased on credit report lawyer. Professionals in background check errors, these professionals can give the advice you need to fix your credit report.

How to Contest a Background Check

Knowing how to dispute a background check becomes essential when faced with such a serious mistake. Contact the credit bureau that made the error first. You must confirm your ID and show you are still living. Employing marked as deceased on credit report lawyers can expedite this sometimes daunting process. These experts can make sure your case is addressed effectively and walk you through the complexities of a background check dispute.

The Role of Attorneys in Resolving Credit Report Errors

Particularly important is engaging with my credit report says I'm deceased lawyers. These attorneys concentrate in identifying and fixing serious mistakes on credit reports. They can act on behalf of you in dealings with credit bureaus and other concerned parties to guarantee your problem is addressed and resolved promptly. Taking into account their background in background check disputes, they are familiar with the legal avenues open to rectify such errors and can provide strong counsel if required.

Preventing Future Errors

Once the error is fixed, steps must be taken to avoid it from reoccurring. Routinely inspecting for errors in your credit report can help spot problems early on. Preventive credit monitoring and being aware of how to dispute a background check can help guard against potential mistakes. Should inconsistencies arise, responding swiftly to **dispute a background check** can lessen the effect of these errors on your personal and monetary life.

In conclusion, it can be troubling when TransUnion reports you as deceased. However, with the right strategy and support from skilled experts like a background check lawyer, individuals can manage the journey of contesting these errors and restoring their creditworthiness.

Learn more: https://bucceri-pincus.com/equifax-consumer-deceased/

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Amazon Flex background check

(Donaldutirl, 12. 7. 2024 16:24)

The Complete Amazon Flex Background Check Guide

The widely-used Amazon Flex program lets people earn money for handing packages. Before you can begin delivering, you have to complete a background check. This procedure guarantees that all drivers meet Amazon's safety and dependability standards. If you run into problems with your background check, this guide will give you comprehensive instructions on how to dispute a background check.

Understanding Errors in Background Checks

Background checks are essential for maintaining safety standards, but they can sometimes be faulty. Common background check errors include obsolete information, wrong criminal records, and identity mix-ups. These mistakes can wrongly prevent you from using Amazon Flex. Understanding how to dispute a background check is crucial for correcting these errors.

How to Dispute Background Check Information

If you find errors in your background check, you may wonder, "can you dispute a background check?" The answer is yes. To dispute background check information, first obtain a copy of your record. Check it carefully for errors. Once found, collect any supporting documents, like court records or personal identification, that can prove the mistake.

Part of understanding how to dispute a background check involves working directly with the background check company. Supply them with the specific background check errors and your supporting documents along with the specifics of the dispute. Demand that they update the information promptly. This process is known as a background check dispute.

Hiring a Lawyer to Check My Background

For those who find the dispute process challenging, hiring a background check lawyer can help. A lawyer specializing in background check disputes can guide you through the process, ensuring all requirements are met and raising the chance of a favorable outcome. If your dispute isn't resolved to your satisfaction, they can also offer legal advice on how to proceed.

How to Dispute a Criminal Background Check

Sometimes, you need to dispute criminal background check information. Knowing how to dispute a criminal background check is vital, especially if the incorrect information impacts your job prospects. Adhere to the same steps as for any error: get your report, identify errors, assemble supporting documents, and file a dispute with the reporting agency.

If the errors led your background check to fail, it's important to know how to dispute a failed background check. Moving quickly and providing the required supporting documents is critical.

Popular Questions and Answers

People often wonder how to dispute wrong information on background check or how to dispute something on your background check. The process is the same: find the error, gather documentation, and contact the reporting agency. Talking to a lawyer can help with issues like dispute criminal background check information and improve your chances of a successful outcome.

Resolving errors and keeping your position with Amazon Flex requires understanding how to dispute background check information and how to dispute criminal background check information. A correct background check is vital for maintaining your professional reputation and getting a job. These guidelines will help you manage the dispute process confidently and effectively.

Learn more: https://ig-tchad.org/amazon-flex-background-check/

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